Grandpa is moody, will his cognition decline? Predicting cognitive and neural decline in Parkinson’s disease from non-motor symptoms evolution#

Welcome to the documentation of my Brainhack 2024 project!
You will find the project deliverables here, in the form of 3 pipelines (.ipynb), each performing different tasks.

Project overview#

Here is an overview of the project:

The idea is to identify different patterns (subtypes) of non-motor symptoms progression in Parkinson’s disease (PD) using a clustering algorithm (SuStaIn), and see whether a specific subtype is associated with faster cognitive and neural decline.
Early identification of individuals at higher risk of cognitive decline through their non-motor symptoms presentation can facilitate timely interventions.

Pipelines (deliverables)#

Three pipelines were written in Python to set up a workflow for the project.

Pipeline #1: Clustering#

- Data visualization
- Preparing and adjusting algorithm inputs
- Running the algorithm
- Model stability tracking
- Model performance evaluation

Pipeline #2: Imaging#

- Raw MRI conversion to BIDS
- Freesurfer preprocessing
- Manipulating neuroimaging data

Pipeline #3: Statistical analyses#

- Descriptive statistics
- Statistical comparisons of cognitive and neural decline between identified clusters
- Visualization of results